Last Monday our school had this trip for the Form 3s to Tropical Spice Garden. I signed up for the War Museum sadly I didn't get it. Haizzz..... So anyway,I reached school at bout 7.05 and met up with the twins and Shobaa. Then we sat down to talk while waiting for Sher to come. At about 7.30,we had our assembly and we had to sing songs and all that. After that was over we met at the science garden and the teacher took our names and Shobaa,Sher Yen,Mel and Florence ran to the toilet while me and Theresa took care of the bags. Smart....
After they came back from their visit to the toilet,the teacher asked all of us to line up 2 by 2. We felt like kindergarden children but we just followed her order. Soon we were all in the bus. As soon as we sat,Shobaa took out her phone and started playing music so it' no use talking to her in the bus cos she can't hear you with her ear phones volume blasted to the max. Haha...I sat with Theresa behind Sher and Mel. They cannot sit properly one... They have to turn their body 360 degrees to face us and kneel on their chair. Then when the bus brakes they'll grab anything in front of them and laugh...haiz....*malu*
At first it started out crazy...we were talking laughing,taking pics and all but after a while me and Theresa got tired and we went to dreamland for like less than 5 minutes cos the 2 crazy ppl in front of us wouldn't let us sleep and the ppl sitting behind us were like monkeys with the of elephants. They were so loud man. Haiz....

See the 2 ppl in front. Look at how they sit.

Sher, Mel

Peek a boo!!!
Spot Melissa behind.... haha!!


Haha...look at my weird hair. Lol....

Sleepy heads....
So after about half an hour,we arrived!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank God. Haha... The place looks really beautiful.

So anyway the guide gave us mosquitoe repellent and it was so stinky and oily (Lemon Grass). Argh.... I had to go wash my hand cos I couldn't stand the oil. The guide then split us up into 2 groups, Each group had 20 ppl. So anyway our guide was a chinese. Hmmm... I was just walking behind him so I could hear everyting he was saying. My god....his eng was "super". For example..."when the branch was break","when the frog was grow",and many more. When the frog was grow??? What in the world is that??? Haha.... So anyway,after a while I got bored and we started taking pictures. I even met 3 new plants. The name of the plants are VAIN POTS. It's a rare species of plant.
Well, the nature guide kept picking on Shobaa as she was the only indian in our group.... he kept asking her " What is this in tamil... What is that in tamil.... Indians use this right?? *bla bla bla*" All of us were laughing at Shobaa.... =D And, so... we continued walking... Seeing many types of spices and plants, smelling them *sniff sniff*....

The Scenery......
Shobaa and Sher was taking this pic.

Mel took this pic but I guess only me and Sher were paying attention.

Scary trees....

Me and Theresa...(the guide was in front talking)

Florence,me,Theresa and Shobaa.

Sher and Mel
Me and Theresa again....

A Beautiful view of the Tropical Spice Garden....

Me and mel. She super smart,dump the bag on me and smile for the camera...

A broken and scary rooftop...
Taken by Sher.....

From left:Mel,Theresa,Shobaa,Me, and Florence.
So after walking for quite some time,we finally arrived at the place where we could buy food. Thank god! We were starving,but when we saw the price,suddenly our stomach stop making noises. The food there was super expensive. A RM 1 ice cream costs RM 3 there. I mean what's so different? it's not like when we eat the ice cream we'll get super powers. we just took out food we brought from home. Only Shobaa and Florence bought ice creams and they had to lick it in front of us... Haiz...temptations.

Me and Theresa in front of the cafe.
So after all the eating,laughing adn talking,Mel and Sher needed to go to the toilet again and they left me and Theresa taking care of their bags. Hmmm...later on we went to explore the place. Mel,Sher,Florence and Shobaa went to sit on the giant swing but me and Theresa went another way to the hammock. Sadly Mel deleted the pics. Blame her if you guys can't see me sit on it. Lol.... Soon it was time to head back home... AIR COND!!! I NEED AIRCOND!!! When we reached the entrance of the place,Florence said "Oh I can feel the air cond from the bus"and everyone turned to look at her. Haha... Soon we were in the bus again.
During our journey back to school, everyone was tired.... Many people took a nap in the bus.... And, soon.... We were back in school... We were given 15 minutes for refreshments... Sarah, Mel, Sher and Resa bought an ice cream each... Sarah teased Mel's ice cream... We had a great laugh in the canteen... After eating our ice creams, we went to the mini hall... In there, we grabbed the chairs and sat in a circle talking.... viewing the pics we took and also taking pics...